Friday, April 27, 2012

Shivamovic interviewed by Braveheart


I call my work as 'finished work' after  the first rehearsal
I don't want audience to perceive anything

Let's make this interview as long as it's possible

I'm inspired from my family.
Mum as producer
Father as a stenography
Brother organize sounds material
Sister is a dramaturge
Braveheart is a new member of family

Piece  has  four parts and three characters -  Braveheart (like a Braveheart) ,Nineta (wearing cat's mask) and me (in policeman costume). We are shifting roles all the time. Bravehear become me, I become Braveheart, Nineta become Braveheart, Braveheart become me and so on... Embodiment threes bodies

 We are imperfect family. It's imperfect because it's real. The line between perfect and imperfect is very subtle. In perfection imperfection is contained. Breaveheart is master of imperfection. Nineta lives in imperfect World. She doesn't have money and can not afford  to buy organic food from Brio.

My life and work are strongly connected. As performer I'm looking for happiness. (Many times while I'm performing I feel unhappy) With Braveheart we are trying to have fun during performance. This is our strategy.

Orgasmic state  maintained for so long that it becomes unpleasant. How to stretch time? Is it possible to have performative orgasm? (Nineta could be composed by other dogs)
Experience of pleasant moment

How to don't lose lighter in the pocket - this is very important, it's change quality of your life

Bravehear enter with mask of mermaid, post contemporary mermaid carrying bombs.
With that bombs she is destroing  Theater. Nineta is taking care of audince, yes - she  bites them...but just to help them
I enter into the truck, scream "everybody jump in", after (their jump) we leave Theather on truck.

Alternative version :
Nineta, Truck and Emergency Exits are projected on back wall, integrated with space, audience forget its not real. Confusion with what is real what is fake. Nineta is doing her own life, truck is coming forward audience and exits are just mock.

I have  bicycle instead of truck, Bravehear construct another one during all piece.
I can carry at least 15 people on my bike on the End.
Time. Bravehear construct future in present moment, im in present, Nineta is in the past or out of space.

As if we forgot to save all people, for the rest we can come back in the next show in the next theater.

Huge truck and little balloons. Balloons enters in us - I mean the air from balloons.

At the end Braveheart will sing "By my side"

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