Thursday, April 26, 2012

Breaveheart and Shivamovic

We deserve sunshine
 me and breaveheart
 Ola and shivamocic
assuming she is pretty,
as we could appreciate in her last piece: ”carrying Cassandra until the end”.
assuming I’m disturbed,
as we could notice in my last piece: ”unfilled”.
from here we start,
assuming I’m pretty as we could appreciate in my last piece: unfilled
assuming she is disturbed as we could notice in her last piece: ”carrying Cassandra until the end.”
from here they start.
you may call her shivamocic
you may call her breaveheart
this is the story of an encounter
where super heroines use to have back pain and spots.
the youngest has blue eyes
the oldest, on the other hand, has eyes blue but sometimes green.
the super heroin’s piece has been developed following few main strategies: potential danger, displacement of solos materials, other way round creation process,obsessive documentation.
In order to feed their creative process they also developed practices of passions and violence as teaching to each-other their own master piece recipes, meet their pets and take a boat to cross the river.
white bones wait!
here we are
shut me down and put me in a box
oh jesus
I’m leaving you
oh god
oh god
never leave me again
forever upside down
this is extremely interesting
I don’t have any problem with god

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