Monday, April 23, 2012

Branka Zgonjanin

Branka Zgonjanin
Anatomy of the ONE DOUBLE BODY
Body as a tabula rasa an ultimate openness for the obscurities and depths of the research process
Body as a receptor
a sensual machina which can feel/think and re- produce feelling /ideas
Body as a container
where emotions, histories, happenings, stores, clutters, shocks, joys, miracles...
are stored and they can be used for dance making
Body as a habitus
Body as a sacrifice

How to choreograph the specific state of mind?
How to dance concepts and statements?
How to choreograph anarchy?
What is the aesthetics of awareness?
How phisical one needs to be(come) in order to become the body itself? Or ho to embody the body you have?
Or- can body become isotropic for a moment in all it's parts?
How to embody the image - how to pictorialize the movement?
How to non - stop de-contruct yourself and how to non- stop construct yourself while performing?

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