Thursday, June 28, 2012

Titles research

Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

 I hate and I love. Why do I do it, perchance you might ask?
I don't know, but I feel it happening to me and I'm burning up.

what about

'' sed fieri sentio et excrucior'' ? 

"This world is only gonna break your heart"
"The world was on fire"
"The pinguins"
"Self - described and self-defined"
or one of them
" Miserable Thongs"
"In Between"
"How many thoughts are stopped on their way to become actions ?"
"what about cables that are lying on the floor peacefully?"
"Potential danger and displacement"

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